Send notifications using busines rules
Denny Buijs
We want to notify the application manager of specific applications that they need to create/revoke an account which is not (yet) a target system in HelloID. We want it via Business rules so we can configure the notification trigger on when in/out the rule.
Erika Eling-Farr
clearly it is something what helps us, but even after 3 years not 'planned' :-(
Rick van den Dijssel
Merged in a post:
Notification on entitlement grant
Arnout van der Vorst
I want to be able to send a notification on a specific entitlement grant. For instance, when a customer by default has F3 licenses but there are some business rules configured for E3, they want a notification when this is triggered to configure the licenses.
Erika Eling-Farr
Yes, please! For specific groups, to the owner of the group. And if there is none, to the IAM team so the can make someone owner
Rick van den Dijssel
Merged in a post:
Notification - groupmembership
Patrick Doelwijt
Add email notification for removing or adding groupmembership. Not for all groups only for groups that have a manager.
Arnout van der Vorst
Same goes for revoke. We currently see customers creating custom PS target connectors to handle the notifications, which is clearly not what we want.
Rick Jongbloed
It would be nice if a notication could also be send on an entitlement revoke action