Role based access to Provisioning console
Evert-Jan de Kruif
It has been 4 years since my first request for this feature. I understand that certain topics get more attention, but this request has a lot of votes, is a milestone, but still there is no planned schedule for this feature.
Ruud Erdkamp
This would be very usefull. Same for just being able to give somone only 'read' permission to view the person/contract data
Rick van den Dijssel
Merged in a post:
Read only policy
Samir Mastouri
so that helpdesk and other IT staff can check if the person is listed in the source and also have insight into the contract start and end dates.
Rick Heemskerk
We would like a read-only role for the entire provisioning service, thanks!
Karsten Meijers
We would also like this read-only role for HelloID Provisioning.
In our case we like to give them read access (in some modules calles Overview) for the entire HelloID Provisioning module. We would like to use these rights to let the servicedesk employees check permission sets, entitlements in different business rules, loggings, etc.
Right now the only option is to give them Manage permissions, and that means they could use all functionality incl. changing and deploying settings.
We dont think there are security/privacy concerns, these employees are IT staff members, and there is nothing in Provisioning that they aren't allowed to see.
Rick van den Dijssel
Hey Samir Mastouri, thanks for your feedback! I have a few more questions for you:
- Can you clarify which specific data fields you would like to be visible in the read-only policy?
- What roles (other than helpdesk and IT staff) should have access to this read-only policy?
- Are there any specific security or privacy concerns we should be aware of when implementing this feature?
Ruud Erdkamp
A read-only option (role) for the Persons and all the sub-tabs under the details of it would be very handy.
Rick van den Dijssel
This feature request is included in the Role based admin access provisioning milestone which is added on the roadmap.
Kim B.
We are experiencing the same problem and have the same wish. We would like to grand only read permissions. And the option to upgrade rights with create, edit or delete persmissions per section in the menu