Merge multi persons in a single person
Rick van den Dijssel
We would like to merge a multiple persons to a single person. This allows us the do person aggregation manually.
This features contains the following options and limitations:
- Allow merging of two persons into a single person in the UI (person list overview)
- When merging you select which person is leading
- The data of the leading person is used to determine the data on personal information of the person model (not contract information). This means that only records from the source of the leading person will cause an update of the person model → personal information
- The contracts of both persons will be joined under the leading person
- Entitlement assigned to the non-leading persons will be unmanaged (not revoked)
- Non-leading person wil be deleted
- The impact and effects should be made clear to the administrator.
- Show all sources in the person overview (in case a person is merged over multiple source systems)
- Show error when externalID of joined contracts are the same.
- Show overview of all merged person records
- Show warning when open, pending, waiting actions for non leading person
- Remove open, pending, waiting actions when system administrator continues
Rick van den Dijssel
Jeroen Buik
Will this be in the february release like planned/estimated?
Rick van den Dijssel
Jeroen Buik: Yes it will. I expect the release video with some more details on the 9th.
Jeroen Buik
Rick van den Dijssel: Which release video of yesterday do you mean?
Jeroen Buik
Erika Eling-Farr
I'm curious if this could help us with users that er getting a new contract and employee ID (=loginname) but want't to keep there initial email adres and groups from the old contract.
Accounts should be merged: the latest ID with the 'old' emailadress and groups.
Rick van den Dijssel
Erika Eling-Farr: This would help with that use case. When you merge the person you can select the leading (in your case the old) person all the information and entitlements assigned to that person will be untouched (also the user accounts). The contracts of the second person are merged into the leading (in your case the old) person.
Jeroen Buik
Rick van den Dijssel: After watching the video ( I wonder if this is the case. After merging will there only be 1 account to login with (the old ID)?
Rick van den Dijssel
Jeroen Buik: It's possible because as you mentioned the old account is still attached to the "leading" person in this case the latest. This has the old employee ID but you can use the update functionality to update the account with new values from the person. In this case the new Employee ID (I wouldn't recommend updating the loginname because this causes the user to change his/here loginname without notice). The update is triggered because or the person has new contracts merged from the other person.
Erika Eling-Farr
Rick van den Dijssel: After watching the video I have a question:
Is there a notification when a merge is 'broken' because the 'lead' is leaving? Or we make our own notifications for this?
Rick van den Dijssel
Erika Eling-Farr: There is no notification when the merge is removed because the lead is non existing in the source system.
Erika Eling-Farr
Rick van den Dijssel: Thx.
I can imaging this could lead to some issues. Need to figger out the impact and make it a toppic on the servicedesk script.
Rick van den Dijssel
Due too the delay of "Limit number of concurrent executing actions (cloud & on-premise)". This feature will be delayed as well. So now planned for February release.
Rick van den Dijssel
under review
Rick van den Dijssel
Planned January release
Rick van den Dijssel
Due too the delay of "Limit number of concurrent executing actions (cloud & on-premise)". This feature will be delayed as well. So now planned for February release.
Rick van den Dijssel
under review
Rick van den Dijssel
Merged in a post:
Support for Aggregating Identities for Person
Mike Sheldon
This is dependent on
Ability to aggregate multiple identity records from one or multiple sources to a single person
Rick van den Dijssel
Because aggregation of persons is a large topic we divided this into multiple features. This item will be merged in the first feature we need to support this topic. Currently the following features are being reviewed but it could be that more are added in this topic overtime:
Ron Kuper
To add to this feature. For the health care market, there can be a HRM system and a Rostering system that need persons from these 2 systems to be aggregated in order to have 1 person in HelloID to assign the correct entitlements to
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