Blocked action reasons summary
Rick van den Dijssel
Rob Spil currently the only way you can approve a blocked entitlement is by approving a block of actions for multiple users. We don't have the ability to approve a single blocked entitlement. With this we made a summary per action type. So per all grant account entitlements as example. We even give the number of actions (person/users in most cases with exception of grant/revoke permission) as help. The individueel person shown are just to check if you really want to approve all the blocked entitlements. With this information do you still think this feedback is needed and if so what is missing in the current implementation? Because as it seems for me we currently support what you're requesting.
Rob Spil
Rick van den Dijssel: I still miss a summary of actions that are taken. Now i have to check what the action will be for each person. i like to have something for example . When the location changes for 1 department of 400 persons , this will result in a block. would be nice if i can see this in an easy way.
Rick van den Dijssel
Rob Spil: Ah oke so it's not really a summary of the actions which would be executed but a summary of the reasons why the actions are triggered would be nice.
Rob Spil
Rick van den Dijssel: yes