Add audit logging on target system changes
Rick van den Dijssel
We would like to have more audit log information available in elastic about recent changes in the configuration of provisioning target systems.
The following actions should be audited in elastic as user actions
- When a user changes the configuration of a target system
- Configuration changes will be included from the following areas:
- Mapping
Add or remove fields
Import mapping
Change of current mapped fields
Rename field
Change type (text, array)
Change of description
Change of applicable entitlement action configuration(s)
Change of mapping configuration when type or value of a mapped field is changed
- Options
Enable/disable use in notifications
Enable/disable store in account data
- Scripting
User lifecycle for PowerShell V2
Permission configuration changes for PowerShell V2
Retrieve permissions script
Grant, revoke, update, or all in one script changes scripting
- Resource configuration
Add or remove resource configuration sets
Resource creation script
- Post actions scripting for Active Directory
- Uniqueness validation
Scripting changed
Changes in the applicable action selection
- Correlation configuration
- Thresholds
Enable or disable a threshold
Configured threshold value change
- System configuration
Configuration of fields (Custom connector configuration)
Configured field values (from configuration TAB)
Execute on-premises or cloud changed
For target system changes the functionality will be limited to only include the following systems:
Active Directory (builtin)
PowerShell V2
Rick van den Dijssel
Merged in a post:
Audit log on changes PowerShell Scripts
Sjoerd van Dijk
It would be nice to have some logging who changed the configuration of a PowerShell Source or Target connector. By this way we can see who has changed the last configuration.
When a specific person changes the PowerShell script on a Source System and after this change the Source import failed, we would like to know who and what has been changed. Also for Target Connectors.
Rick van den Dijssel
Planned February release
Twan Duvigneau
It would also be nice to have a feature like with business rules where we can revert a change :) Speaking from experience haha
Mike Sheldon
In addition, having versioning on those scripts would be nice as well.