Add audit logging on source system changes
Rick van den Dijssel
We would like to have more audit log information available in elastic about recent changes in the configuration of provisioning source systems.
The following actions should be audited in elastic as user actions
When a user changes the configuration of a source system
Configuration changes will be included from the following areas:
- Mapping
Add or remove fields
Import mapping
Change of current mapped fields for person/contract
Add or remove field
Change of mapping configuration when type (fixed, field, complex) or value of a mapped
field is changed
Change field being required or not
- Scripting
Person import
Department import
- Thresholds
Enable or disable a threshold
Configured threshold value change
- System configuration
Configuration of fields (Custom connector configuration)
Configured field values (from configuration TAB)
Execute on-premises or cloud change
Rick van den Dijssel
Planned February release